Kim Manunui Kim Manunui

How we came to be

The journey to the Four Seasons Kindergarten began in 1990 when April Smith, (who still volunteers in the kindergarten today) began to run playgroup sessions, based on the principles of Rudolf Steiner education, in her home. It was called ‘Springwood Playgroup’. April continued to run 3 sessions a week for up to 8 children for several years. In 1994 it became a community run playgroup, run by parents, and the name changed to ‘Lifeways Playgroup’ and continued up until 2003 then going into recess. Some years later, Fenella Tinworth, having been nurtured herself through Steiner education right up until her tertiary studies, decided that she too wanted a Steiner approach to educating her children. The Four Seasons Playgroup was reformed and it was here that a group of mothers decided that a Rudolf Steiner kindergarten would be established in Taupo.

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Kim Manunui Kim Manunui

Playgroup for little ones

Did you know that there is a Rudolf Steiner Playgroup for the younger child in Taupo? It’s held upstairs in the kindy house on a Monday morning and on a Tuesday when the older kindergarten children are off on Bush Kindy adventures, playgroup makes use of the space downstairs. This is a lovely opportunity for Mum’s, Dad’s, Grandparent’s and Littlies to gather in the Kindy house and share a relaxed friendly time together.

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Kim Manunui Kim Manunui

Overwhelm of boys

Over the last couple of years we have hosted a talk; the Overwhelm of Boys, by Kim John Payne from Simplicity Parenting. The first time we held this evening, we could hardly believe it when we ran out of space in our kindergarten to fit everyone in. If you are keen to learn more about how we see boys and how to best love and nurture them, let us know. We’d be only too happy to host another screening of this talk.

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Kim Manunui Kim Manunui

Connecting with us

Trusting someone outside the family home to nurture, love, educate and contribute the the wellbeing of your child is task we honour deeply. We believe that a partnership between home and kindergarten establishes a solid foundation for children’s learning and when the partnership is strong, this provides the best outcomes for children and families.

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Kim Manunui Kim Manunui

Ko Fenella taku ingoa

Ko Fenella taku ingoa. Ko Waitakere taku maunga, ko Manukau taku moana. Hello I am Fenella, youngest of six children, and now mother to two wonderful children and wife to my supportive husband!

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