Welcome to Four Seasons Kindergarten
Play is the child’s way of working. When tamariki are playing, they are concentrating, learning and if we intervene without permission or thought, we can break the spell and the magic is gone. When tamariki are playing at Four Seasons, we resist playing ‘with’ them or setting up activities for them to engage in. Play lives deeply within each child. We provide an environment to allow the play to unfold and relationships between tamariki to develop and strengthen. To learn more about visiting and enrolling your child, please find information on enrollment here.
Equity Statement
Steiner schools and kindergartens are responsive to the wider cultural, social and political contexts in which they are located in Aotearoa New Zealand in the 21st century. Our schools embrace and honour Aotearoa New Zealand’s bi-cultural heritage and consider all human beings to be free and equal in dignity and rights.
Steiner Education Aotearoa New Zealand acknowledges Rudolf Steiner’s work. The Steiner school movement in Aotearoa New Zealand works out of an approach of equity and rejects strongly any historical statements from which inferences of racial prejudice may be made. Steiner/Waldorf schools and teacher training centres are culturally safe havens for all.
Steiner Education Aotearoa New Zealand Schools Curriculum Guidelines state that, “the principles that are fundamental to Steiner education are that it is accessible to, and able to be adapted to, the needs of different ethnicities, cultures and religions. Curriculum content allows for the exploration of a wide variety of cultural traditions and world views. Steiner/Waldorf schools in Aotearoa New Zealand strive to imbue their curricula with the unique spirit and history of this land and its peoples.”
Our Vision
Through our passion for an unhurried approach to childhood, we will provide a safe and secure environment that is homely, nurturing and sustainable. We will respect that each stage of a child’s development has unique qualities and that these should be fully experienced before embarking on the next stage of education.
“Receive the child in reverence educate him in love, let him go forth in freedom”
- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)
Mission Statement
Tamariki in our community have an early childhood education based on Rudolf Steiner early childhood philosophies.
A haven where they can experience an unhurried childhood in a natural homelike environment.
An environment that supports whānau, our community and builds the foundation of who our children will become as adults, our future community and the future of our environment.
Policies & Procedures
One of the ways we honour relationships with tamariki, whānau, kaiako, and our community is through the commitment to upholding criteria set by the Ministry of Education. We review policies and procedures regularly, in partnership with our community welcoming input, discussion and feedback to ensure we are all honoured and nurtured in our environment.
Policies and procedures are available for all whanau to view in our whanau library. We regularly update policies, inviting whanau to work alongside us with these.
45608 Four Seasons Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Education Review Report 2022