Kaiako (teachers)
Kaiako (teachers) are integral to our kindergarten. Knowing a little more about who it is that you entrust your tamariki with is important. You’ll find articles on each of our team in a little more depth, on our blog, and here’s an introduction to how our kaiako work as a team.
We have four kaiako who work on a rotational basis within our kindergarten. At any given time, you will find three kaiako working in the kindergarten, whilst another kaiako is embarking on professional development, non contact time, documenting the journey of our kindergarten tamariki or on a holiday for replenishment. Typically each kaiako will work for 9 weeks in the kindergarten, followed by 3 weeks outside the daily rhythm. The health and well being of kaiako is vital to the well being of the kindergarten. We honour this by giving kaiako the time and space to reflect on their practice, undertake professional development and an essential period of rest and relaxation.
All of our teaching team are either fully or provisionally registered ECE teachers. Fenella holds a Diploma in NZ Steiner ECE. Retha has the Certificate in Rudolf Steiner ECE and has embarked on completing her Diploma to be completed this year. Traceylee holds the Certificate in Rudolf Steiner ECE. Laurie and Melissa have begun their Diploma in Rudolf Steiner ECE, this is a three year journey for a teacher.
In the photo above, left to right: Fenella, Melissa, Retha, Laurie and Traceylee