Costs: A Transparent Breakdown

At Four Seasons Kindergarten, we believe in transparency and clarity regarding our fees and optional charges. We understand that choosing the right educational environment for your tamaiti (child) is a significant decision, and we want to ensure that whānau (families) have all the necessary information to make informed choices. Here’s a breakdown of our fees and optional charges and what they cover:

Weekly Rates:

  • Below are the weekly rates, including the optional charges, for all tamariki utilising 20 ECE hours (3-6 year olds) attending full-day enrolments of 8.30 am to 2.30 pm.

  • 3-day minimum enrolment: $45.00 per week.

  • 4-day enrolment: $88.00 per week.

  • 5-day enrolment: $145.00 per week.

  • Two-year-olds are not eligible for 20 ECE hours, so their rate is $57.00 per day for a 6-hour session; this includes all meals.

What's Covered:

At Four Seasons Kindergarten, our optional charges cover a range of services and benefits to provide a nurturing and holistic educational experience for your tamaiti. These include:

  • Special Character: Our curriculum is deeply rooted in the principles of Steiner Waldorf education, fostering creativity and imagination through a calm, stable rhythm in a homely natural environment. All kaiako are committed to personal and professional development through Steiner Education Aotearoa New Zealand. Four Seasons Kindergarten is a member of SEANZ.

  • Qualified Kaiako: We pride ourselves on having a team of 100% qualified and dedicated kaiako who are committed to tamariki growth and development.

  • All Meals: Nutritious meals ensure your child is well-nourished throughout their time with us.

  • Seasonal Festivals: We celebrate the changing seasons and cultural festivals, providing enriching experiences for children and families.

  • Parent Evenings: Regular parent/whānau evenings are held, offering opportunities for parents/whānau to engage with kaiako, discuss their child’s progress, and participate in the kindergarten community.

At Four Seasons Kindergarten, we strive to provide a nurturing and enriching environment where every child can find belonging. Our fees are designed to reflect the quality of education and care we provide while remaining accessible to whānau from all backgrounds. If you have any further questions or want to enrol your tamaiti, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to welcoming your whānau into our community.


Our Philosophy


How to talk with Kindergarten tamariki