Playgroups: Supporting whānau and tamariki in the early years

The early years of a child's life are a critical period for their development, and Steiner Waldorf Playgroups provide a nurturing and enriching environment for tamariki (children) aged birth to three. These playgroups offer a unique approach to early childhood education, focusing on fostering holistic development and supporting whānau (parents, parenting partners & caregivers) in their parenting journey. Steiner Waldorf Playgroups contribute to the growth and well-being of both tamariki and whānau during this formative stage.

Creating a Nurturing Environment

Steiner Waldorf Playgroups emphasise creating a nurturing environment that supports the natural growth and development of young tamariki. Our playgroup settings are carefully designed to be warm, inviting, and aesthetically pleasing, incorporating natural materials, soft lighting, and gentle colours. These elements create a calm and harmonious atmosphere that promotes a sense of security and well-being for both tamariki and whānau.

Rhythm and Routine

Rhythm and routine play a crucial role in Steiner Waldorf Playgroups. Daily activities, such as circle time, storytelling, outdoor play, and shared meals, follow a predictable rhythm, providing children with a sense of order and stability. This rhythmic structure supports the development of healthy habits and enables tamariki to anticipate and engage in activities with confidence and joy. Parents & whānau also benefit from this predictable routine, as it helps establish a sense of rhythm and flow in their daily lives.

Parent-Child Bonding

Steiner Waldorf Playgroups foster strong parent-child bonding by actively involving whānau in the playgroup experience. Whānau are encouraged to actively participate in activities alongside their tamariki, fostering a sense of connection and mutual support. Through shared experiences, such as singing, waiata, movement, and imaginative play, tamariki and whānau develop a deep bond and a strong foundation for future learning and development. Additionally, the playgroup environment provides a supportive community where whānau can share their joys and challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and friendship.

Free Play and Imagination

In Steiner Waldorf Playgroups, there is a strong emphasis on free play and imaginative exploration. Tamariki are encouraged to engage in unstructured play, where they have the freedom to explore their environment, manipulate natural materials, and engage in imaginative play. This free play stimulates creativity, problem-solving skills, and social interactions, supporting the holistic development of the tamaiti. Whānau are given the opportunity to observe and learn about their child's unique interests, strengths, and developmental milestones, fostering a deeper understanding of their child's individuality.

Nature Connection

Four Seasons Playgroup recognizes the importance of connecting tamariki with nature from an early age. Outdoor play and exploration are integral parts of the playgroup experience. Tamariki have the opportunity to engage with the natural world, observe seasonal changes, and develop a reverence for nature. Spending time in our kindergarten backyard; gardening, and exploring our natural environment. Outdoor sensory experiences support physical development and instill in children a sense of wonder, respect, and stewardship towards the environment. Whānau can also benefit from spending time in nature, connecting with their tamaiti and finding solace in the beauty of the natural world.

Parent Support and Education

Steiner Waldorf Playgroups offer valuable support and education for whānau during the early years of their child's life. Parenting workshops, discussions, and resources are provided to help parents navigate the challenges and joys of raising young children. These opportunities allow parents to exchange knowledge, seek guidance, and deepen their understanding of child development from a Steiner Waldorf perspective. Parent education programs also empower parents to create nurturing environments at home that align with the values and principles of Steiner Waldorf education.

Four Seasons Playgroup is run independently from the kindergarten and is fully whānau led. They have two sessions: Monday mornings from 9-11am and Wednesday afternoons from 2.45-4.30pm. First session is free, with a requested $5 koha for each session following. Cost should never be a barrier to attending; we are an inclusive, warm, welcoming space.


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